Students' Support towards Entrepreneurial Spirit Development

According to European employment policy focused on young people, there is a high demand for entrepreneurship education, professional training and support of young people to do business. The aim of the project was to start a system change related to entrepreneurship education in the pre-incubation period in Europe as well as prepare a set of tools at the international level, as the unemployment of young people is undoubtedly an issue throughout Europe.

The goal was to work on several outcomes, primarily to propose and develop an evaluation tool measuring business potential as well as improving business skills and abilities of students in the course of their studies. Another project outcome was the preparation and administration of a communication platform for students interested in entrepreneurship. Next, methodology of communication tools is introduced, i.e. an optimal way of communicating initiative, creativity and entrepreneurship at university and outside university, too. The last outcome is a set of case studies of student business projects in particular partner countries (Czech Republic, Poland and Spain).

The project was supported by Tomas Bata University in Zlín. Partners of the project were Technological Innovation Center Zlín, Uniwersytet Szczeciński and Universidad Católica Santa Teresa de Jesús de Ávila. The EU Parliament Member, Ms. Michaela Šojdrová, was a non-profit partner and a significant supporter of the idea of entrepreneurship development at universities.


Software evaluation tool: (link)

Evaluation method and tool – methodology/guideline (PDF; 1.9 MB)

Web application user´s manual (PDF; 1.7 MB)

The main output is a software solution (SW app) for the evaluation tool of entrepreneurial potential, skill and approaches of students, which also evaluates their progress in entrepreneurial thinking and behavior. The tool consists of an entry questionnaire, where the student answers questions about business issues. After completing the course, the student fills out the exit questionnaire, which evaluates his progress in entrepreneurial thinking, understanding and approach to business.
The tool also provides space for evaluating the student using 20 criteria, giving a picture of the student's work and the use of his entrepreneurial skills. Very important here is the interaction of the lecturer/mentor/coach, who simultaneously performs the final evaluation of the student based on the results of all criteria. The functionalities of the SW application allow, for example, sending the final evaluation to the student directly to his registered email, exporting data to Excel for mass evaluation, etc.
A methodology for working with the software is created, an explanation of its individual parts, and a detailed description and explanation of all evaluation criteria. There is also a set of recommendations for working with this tool as well as for the final evaluation of each student.
The software is also accompanied by a visualization manual for working with the SW both for the registered participant (student) and for the lecturer who sets up the basic courses in the SW.

Facebook (link)

LinkedIn (link)

Instagram (link)

YouTube (link)

The goal of the output was to create a platform for networking students with (not only) the business sphere. The communication platforms were created on the main social networks which are now used to communicate with students, as well as other people interested in business. These platforms are also spread among entrepreneurs. Building a network of lasting contacts was a key aspect of the project implementation. Within the framework of the developed communication platform strategy, which aimed primarily to network students to the business sphere, achieve dissemination, promotion, and networking objectives, the use of leading social media platforms was also taken into account. Considering current communication trends and aiming to ensure the highest possible effectiveness of the adopted strategy, the use of social media platforms was essential to achieve the assumed efficiency of the communication strategy.
The platforms selected for use within the adopted strategy were defined on the basis of the assumed and target recipient groups, including students and professionals. On this basis, the used social media platforms, which were implemented to implement the adopted strategy, included profiles on the main platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Youtube.
We wanted to impart business knowledge to students and inspire them to take action and actively participate in business-related projects. The goal was to support entrepreneurship among young people, including organizing presentations and events for students. As part of this output, we brought students directly into entrepreneurial practice many times, where they had the opportunity to get to know the work of an entrepreneur, his problems, and successes in a real environment. In this way, the young emerging generation of potential entrepreneurs is constantly connected with the experience of already established businesses. We collaborated in organizing scientific-practical conferences such as "Science & Business - Common Challenges." These events provided an excellent opportunity for students, academic teachers, and entrepreneurs to meet, exchange knowledge, and share experiences related to entrepreneurship. We organized various sessions, presentations, and panel discussions about entrepreneurship in these conferences.
As part of our activities, It were organized "Expert’s Thursdays" at Uniwersytet Szczeciński. These were meetings with engaging experts as part of the International Scientific Conference "Science & Business - Common Challenges." During these meetings, students had the opportunity to participate in consultations and discussions with experts from various fields, providing them with knowledge and inspiration for the future. Other meetings with entrepreneurs took place, for example, as part of business courses at TBU in Zlín.
And the list of similar activities could continue...

Communication Plan (PDF; 2.4 MB)

YouTube Channel (73 files)

Text case studies (English) (PDF; 0.5 MB)

Text case studiess (Czech) (PDF; 0.5 MB)

This output is a joint output of all involved organizations. As part of this output, 73 videos and 3 text case studies were created. The videos show both examples of good practice and selected topics related to business. The purpose of the videos is to motivate students to start a business and to familiarize them with the main topics addressed in entrepreneurship. All videos are posted on the YouTube channel. Outputs are available to students of all involved organizations, but also to all stakeholders. Students use these materials in their work on projects.


Tomas Bata University in Zlín

The main coordinator of the project was Tomas Bata University in Zlín which is a dynamically developing university providing a wide range of study opportunities. The people interested in studying can choose from various degree programmes that the university offers at six faculties: Faculty of Technology, Faculty of Management and Economics, Faculty of Multimedia Communications, Faculty of Applied Informatics, Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Logistics and Crisis Management. The university is the centre of top science and research on national as well as global scale.
Tomas Bata University in Zlín follows a long-term tradition of the Faculty of Technology which has been in Zlín since 1969 and has prepared hundreds of university-educated specialists. It is named after a legendary founder of shoe industry in Zlín and a well-known entrepreneur worldwide, Tomáš Baťa (1876-1932). Therefore, it strives to go on with this tradition at present and form a business university that would educate new entrepreneurs.


Universidad Católica Santa Teresa de Jesús de Ávila

The Catholic University “Santa Teresa de Jesús” of Avila is a private, non-profit organization of the Catholic Church of Spain. Universidad Católica Santa Teresa de Jesús de Ávila opened on the 24th of August in 1996 by decree of the bishop of Avila, with the support of the main social and business forces of the city of Avila. The Universidad Católica Santa Teresa de Jesús de Ávila is open to fruitful dialogue between university institutions, higher research institutes and other organizations and institutions of culture and science, with whom it intends to establish cooperative relationships with the aim of promoting knowledge and extending science and the culture in the public and private concert of institutions. It is a young but at the same time modern university, which knows how to adapt perfectly to changes and new educational trends. Since its inception has been committed to providing a learning and teaching experience that includes an international dimension. The Erasmus + program is a fundamental part of achieving this goal. Universidad Católica Santa Teresa de Jesús de Ávila has a series of well established mobility programs Erasmus + that we have given continuity.


Uniwersytet Szczeciński

The University of Szczecin is a public institution that was established by the Polish Parliament Act of July 1984 as a result of the merger of the Faculty of Transport Engineering and Economics of the Szczecin University of Technology and the Pedagogical University. It started its activity in the 1985/86 academic year, dynamically developing the post-war academic tradition and playing an important culture-forming role in the city and the region. It is currently the largest university in Western Pomerania, employing approximately 1,100 academic teachers and over 800 administrative staff, meeting all statutory requirements and consisting of 7 didactic faculties and 18 research institutes (in which 3 are in broadly sense belongs to economy and management). The scientific and infrastructural development of the university was constantly accompanied by an increase in the number of students, currently around 12,000, for whom the teaching offer is constantly being improved and new fields of study are being prepared (currently around 70 fields of study, full-time and part-time). Students participate in the work of 160 research clubs and publish their journals. There are, among others, academic theater, choir, Student Culture Zone, Academic Sports Association, NZS, AIESEC and ELSA. The many advantages of studying in the US include the possibility of using the collections of the Main Library and its 8 branches. There are over one million three hundred and fifty thousand compact, continuous and special publications. An element of the constantly developed cooperation with foreign countries is active (since 1998) participation in the Erasmus program, in which the US partners are nearly 196 universities from 24 countries, including non-European ones. Thanks to the implementation of an increasing number of projects in recent years, including those with a social dimension, the scientific and infrastructure base is being improved, which enables cooperation with the economic environment and other research units in the country and abroad. The University of Szczecin has a long tradition of entrepreneurship education. There are 2 forms of education: daily courses and single courses. The main course is “Entrepreneurship and investment” – the practical course where next to academic staff the practitioners from business have lectures for students. The single courses are subjects covered entrepreneurship theory and practice offered for all students at Faculty of Economics, Finance and Management, as well as in other non-economics fields. The courses of entrepreneurship are also offered for students and graduates in form of post-diploma courses/subjects, in the projects and other activates. Many members of research staff carried out the research on entrepreneurship as a basic research and the application research too.


Technologické inovační centrum Zlín

We are a progressive, client-oriented agency. Our mission is to create and implement the Zlín Region Regional Innovation Strategy and promote the quality of life in the Zlín Region with the accent on education, entrepreneurship, and professional growth. Through our own or shared programmes as well as national and European projects we offer developmental activities in the following areas:

  • creativity and entrepreneurial spirit of pupils and students;
  • acceleration of business plans (we run a business incubator);
  • services for small and medium-sized enterprises, particularly in the domains of the Zlín Region specialization;
  • support for research and development of companies that have effective cooperation with research institutions;
  • services for increasing the effectiveness of human resources management, including career counselling and professional development;
  • support for expansion of endogenous companies in the Zlín Region.
We have been around since 2005, have know-how, and are socially responsible.